Knee sleeves

Wrist wraps/tape

Running Shoes


Mobility & Movement Development

10 minutes


·  Shoulders

·  Core

·  Hips



·  Gymnastics movements

·  Box Jumps




7 Minute EMOM


·       6-10 Pull-ups or Inverted Barbell Rows

·       6 Box Jumps (challenge yourself)

·       Rest 2 minutes


7 Minute EMOM


·       6-10 Toes-to-Bar or Straight leg raises

·       4 Box Jumps

·       Rest 2 minutes


7 Minute EMOM


·       Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups or jumping C-2-B or Bar MU’s

·       2 Box Jumps


·  Build Gymnastic capacity of movements under fatigue

·  Pick rep schemes that you can handle with consistent sets