Team workout   2 x 15 Min AMRAPS     A. AMRAP in 15 Minutes of: 2 Wall Walks 6 Burpee Pull ups 8 Shuttle Runs   Round for round w’ partner   Rest 5 Minutes   B: @ 20 Minutes start:   15 Min AMRAP 6 Bench Press 6/6 Hang KB Snatch…

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  Strength   For Load   Deadlift 5×3 @ 3:00   We encourage you today to use this extended period for deadlift to rest long enough between sets to be able to go heavy! Allow around 3 minutes between your heavier sets. Re-set each of your deadlifts, no TNG. WOD   4 x 3:30 min…

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  Skill   Ring Muscle ups 12 Min EMOM   1: X number of Ring Muscle ups (1-6) 2: Rest Active 1: 3-5 Ring Muscle up Transitions 2: 5-10 Deficit Pause Push ups 3: 10 Ring Kipping Swings 4: Rest Lifestyle 1: 3-5 Strict banded Pull ups. Mins 2-4 as per active This is a…

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  Strength For load   4 sets of:   1 Clean Pull 1 Hang Power Clean 1 Power Clean 1 Split Jerk   @ 2:00   Grease the groove on your clean and jerk. Start at 75% of your best Clean and Jerk and build every set. WOD   For Time 10 Clean and Jerks…

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  Strength For load   Back Squat 4 Sets @ 3 mins 2×5 82.5%-85% 2×3 85-90%   Last back squat session for 5RM next week! Keep following along with the percentages and sticking to them as best as possible. The sets of 3 will be tough! Focus again on speed out of the bottom and…

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  Strength   For load   Primer: 5 sets @ 1:00 1 Tall Power Snatch 1 Tall Squat Snatch   7 sets @ 2:00   3-3-3-3-2-2-1 Hang squat snatch Building to 90% +   Moving to the heavy end of our snatch cycle, taking a week off the OHS and focusing on a building a…

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    Team workout   3 x Min AMRAPS     In pairs: 10 Minute AMRAP: Run 200m (together) 20 Power Cleans 50/35 20 Toes to bar   Rest 2 minutes   AMRAP in 10 minutes of: 20/16 Calorie Echo bike 8 Wall Walks 4 Rope Climbs   Rest 2 minutes   AMRAP in 10…

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  Heavy Day   Snatch   Strict Press Take 6 mins to build to a Heavy single   Then 2 sets @ 2 mins 1×3 Reps at 85% of heavy single 1×4 Reps at 80% of heavy single 1x Max reps at 75% (aim for 6)   *Re-set each of the reps on the back…

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