Heavy day today!   A.OHS 5×3 @ 2:00   B. Snatch Pulls 1 Snatch Pull 2 Hang Snatch Pulls   5 sets @ 1:30   C. For time: 200m Run 20 Power Snatch 50/35kg 400m Run 10 Power Snatch   Active: 40/30kg Lifestyle: 100m 200m 30/20kg   *10 min Cap   OHS should…

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  Strength Upper body swole sesh   In 12 mins work through 3 sets of: 5 Pendlay rows 10 Bent over flys 10 Barbell Bicep curls   -rest 1:30-2:00 minutes between-   Who doesn’t want bulletproof shoulders? Take the time today to slow your movements down, feel muscles working in an isolated manner and look…

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  Strength For load   Back squat 6 sets 2×6 75% 2×4 80% @ 3:00   Continue to build in our back squats as we progress from sets of 8 to sets of 6 & 4 today. This is the time to belt up, knee sleeves on and start to touch some heavier weights. WOD…

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  Skill   For practice   10 Min EMOM: 1. 5-15 Pull ups 2. 5-20m Handstand walk (Progressions options – Wall facing handstand hold / Box plate taps/ Assisted HSW)   Rx + Chest to bar Lifestyle: HS walk around a box, Jumping pull ups   Make sure if working on the skill portion you…

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    Hero WOD   “Blake”   4 Rounds For Time 100 ft Overhead Walking Lunges (20/15kg plate) 30 Box Jumps (24/20 in) 20 Wall Balls Shots (9/6kg,10/9 ft) 10 Handstand Push-Ups   Active: 15/10 plate, box pike HSPU   Lifestyle: 10/5 plate, 20/16 box, Pike HSPU   Background: Dedicated to U.S. Navy Senior Chief…

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    Heavy Day   Snatch   A Primer 4×3 Light snatch balance dowel/bar From the floor @ 1:30   B 5×2  Hang Squat Snatch Working speed under the bar and depth in the catch @ 1:30   C 5×5 Overhead squat Building up that weight building toward 75-80% @ 2:30   Optional D: 10…

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    Conditioning   Alternate every 2:00 for 32 mins     1: 15/12 Row/Ski + 15-20 Push ups 2: 200m Run + 15-20 Air squats 3: 15-20 Pull ups + 15/12 echo/assault 4: Rest.   Rx +: Wear a Vest Active: Lower gymnastics reps, 12/9 cals, 150m run Lifestyle: as active with knee push…

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  Strength For load   Back Squat 4×8 70-75%   @ 3 mins   Increasing on last week’s Back Squats this week! Aim to bump those % up slightly. Time domain is a little longer than last week, use the rest. WOD   For time:   15-12-9 Squat Cleans 70/47.5 Wall Walks   Masters: 61/43…

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  Skill   Ring Muscle ups 12 Min EMOM   1: X number of Ring Muscle ups (1-6) 2: Rest   Active 1: 3-5 Ring Muscle up Transitions 2: 5-10 Deficit Pause Push ups 3: 10 Ring Kipping Swings 4: Rest   Lifestyle 1: 3-5 Strict banded Pull ups Mins 2-4 as per active Ring…

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