
Power Snatch


A. 5 min EMOM

1 pause power snatch


B. 15 mins to find

1RM power snatch


1RM power snatch day! We have spent the last month preparing for this day and it is finally here! Remember, the first part is the primer, practice being snappy and having great position so you are dialled in for the 1RM.


“Shoulder Daddy”

12 min AMRAP

25ft(7.5m) HS walk

12 front squats 50/35kg

10 push ups


RX+: 50ft HS walk


Masters/teens: 45/30kg


Active: 20 shoulder taps in HS on wall instead of HS walk.


Lifestyle: 20 shoulder taps in plank and reduced weight.


This benchmark will be retested ENTER YOUR SCORE!


Then, we test our next benchmark, this is about upper body endurance while gassed, don’t hold back just go for it, then take note of how it felt and what you will do differently next time.