30s high knees / butt kicks

5x Mountain Climber Compl.

Air squats and squat rocks

Shoulder activation (dowel)

Windmill complex

Burgener Warm-up (dowel)

Hollow & arches

Scap pull ups & lat pull backs



Strength Development:

Strict Pull-ups/Ring Dips OR Iron Cross


10 Minute EMOM


1st Min: Strict Pull-ups

2nd Min: Ring Dips OR Iron Crosses


· Braced core

· Drive with arms/lats.



Partner WOD


20 Minute AMRAP


Partner A


·   200 Meter Run


Partner B


·   5 Overhead Squat (RX 30/20 Kg)

·   10 Ring Rows

·   5 V-Sits



·   Consistent Sets

·   Resume where you left off

·   Easy WOD leading into tomorrow