Heavy Day

New Cycle:


A. Primer

5 min EMOM

1 hang clean pull + 1 hang muscle clean + 1 hang power clean (with a 2 sec PAUSE in the catch)


B. Every 90 sec for 10:30

3 hang power cleans

Increase as you go


C. Every 2 mins for 12 mins

Front squat


Two waves; increase weight across first 3 sets then drop it back down but heavier than set 1 of first wave


First heavy day of the new lifts!! This cycle is going to feature power cleans and front squats, we will ultimately be retesting our front squat and our clean and jerk in June. You will see the primer in the programming again, think of this as your chance to build up from an empty barbell to a light or even moderate weight but typically it’s movements that allow you to fire up your fast twitch muscle so don’t go so heavy that you are slow. Train fast to be fast.