
5 Sets for load:

4 Push presses

4 Weighted strict chin-ups


*Rest 1-2:00 between sets


Today’s upper body strength work should see challenging yet unbroken sets, whereby athletes may choose to change loads up or down across sets according to fatigue and maintaining a full range of motion.


For time 16 min cap:

Buy-in: 150 Double-unders

Into 18-15-12-9:

Shoulder-to-overheads 52/35kg


Cash-out: 150 Double-unders


Rx+: 61/43kg, chest-to-bar pull-ups

Active: 75 Double-under blocks; 15-12-9-6 S2OH 43/30kg & PU

Lifestyle: 150 Single-unders, 30/20kg, jumping pull-ups


The workout should see a skipping option that allows double-unders in 1-3 sets when fresh and options that allow shoulder-to-overheads and pull-ups in sets of 10+ when fresh. Advanced athletes that can complete sets of 20+ on both movements should be challenged with Rx+ for today!