
For load:

6×3 Back squats


*2-second pause on first rep of each set

*Perform a new set every 2:00


Today’s strength back squats should see all sets at challenging loads and small increases across sets, with a 2-Mississippi second pause on the first rep of each set.


11 Min AMRAP:

4, 8, 12… etc.:

Burpees to 4” touch

Wall balls 9/6kg to 11/10ft


Rx+: 9/6kg to 12/11ft

Active: 6/5kg to 11/10ft

Lifestyle: Regular burpees, 5/4kg to 10/9ft


The workout should see burpee options that allow constant movement even under high levels of fatigue, and wall ball options that allow sets of 5+ when fresh, and should be higher than normal! Correct core-to-extremity timing will be essential today!