Dynamic (high knees, butt kicks, grapevines)

Scorpions & bird dogs

Air squats with twists & rocks

Shoulder activations (band)

Scap pull ups & lat pull backs

Into pull ups – C2B




10 Min EMOM Drills


·      1st Min: Strict Pullups

·      2nd Min: Plank


Looking for:

·     Active shoulders

· Strong braced core




On 2:00 Min X 10 Rounds


·   4 Pull-ups (Strict/kipping/butterfly)

·   6 Alt Dumbbell Snatches

·   8 Toes-to-Bar OR Straight Leg Raises

·   100-meter Run


Aim for:

·   Numbers that allow you to have 20-30 seconds rest between rounds

·   Unbroken sets on all movements

·   Movement standards & weights that challenge you