Jogging on the spot with L&R ground touches,

Calf Pumps & boot strappers,

Bird-dogs, Fire hydrants,

mountain climber complex.

Air, SPLIT squats, Wall and Cossack squats

Squat rocks with a plate

Burgener warm up



Strength Development


10 Minute EMOM


·      1st min: Ring Dips

·      2nd min: Strict Pull-ups


Looking for:

·     Active shoulders

·     Braced core




20 Minute CAP


8 rounds For Time:


·    10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches

·    10 Wallball throw Sit-ups (RX 9/6 Kg)

·    10 Lateral Burpees over the DB


Aim for:

·    Unbroken DB Snatches – challenge yourself with the weight

·    Practice in-front-of-face  DB transfers

·    Good height with the wallball throw sit-ups (if worried about coordination do a WB press at the top of the sit up)