
12 min EMOM


1 power clean and split jerk


Increase 2.5 or 5kg every round

Treat the C&J like a ladder and keep increasing, even if you don’t normally increase like this. Be confident in yourself and be ok if you get to a point that you fail a lift. If you fail, you get 3 strikes then you need to adjust down. You can do those 3 strikes in the same minute or as the EMOM keeps going, it depends on the reason you failed.


6 rounds of:

15 box jumps 24/20”

12 pull ups

9 Power Cleans 60/40kg


16 minute cap


Active: 50/35


Lifestyle:20/16, 40/30,  Jumping pull ups or ring rows

Lifestyle: Ring rows instead of pull ups


With today’s workout aim for 2 sets on the pull ups and quick singles on the cleans. Rounds should be around the 2:15 to 2:30 mark without transitions. Reduce the pull up reps if more than 2:45.