
Clean Cycling

6 sets for quality:

6 touch and go power cleans


*Perform a new set every 2:00


Today’s lifting should see an emphasis placed on speed and efficiency of touch and go cleans. Weight should only be added where form is not compromised.


For time:

Buy-in: 50/40 Calorie Echo bike

3 Rounds:

15 Toes-to-rings

15 Dual DB power cleans 2×22.5/15kg

Cash-out: 50/40 Calorie Echo bike


16 Min Cap


Active: 2×17.5/12.5kg, Hanging leg raises

Lifestyle: 30/24 Calorie buy-in & cash-out, 2×12.5/7.5kg,


The workout should see book-end calories possible inside 3 minutes each, and toes-to-rings and DB power cleans in 1-2 sets across rounds. Grip-endurance should be considered when scaling today!