30 Min EMOM:


1) 200/150m SkiErg

2) 100ft Sandbag bear-hug carry (Heavy)/KB Front Rack Carry 32/24

3) 200/150/m Row

4) 50ft Handstand walk/100ft bear crawl

5) Rest


Rx+: 250/200m SkiErg & Row, unbroken 12.5ft HSW sections

Active: 2×16/12kg, 36/30”

Lifestyle: 150m FC 2×12/8kg, 150/100m Row & SkiErg, 6 Burpee box get-overs 24/20”


Today’s workout is designed to improve aerobic endurance and options should be set to reflect this goal. Options should allow work inside :45 when fresh, leaving some space to complete inside the minute and proceed directly as fatigue sets in. Positive body language and mental talk should be the goal of the rest minute, alongside cardio-respiratory recovery.