
7 Sets for load:

1 Power snatch

+ 1 Snatch balance

+ 1 Squat snatch


*Perform a new set every 1:30


Today’s lifting should see beginner and intermediate lifters perfecting the mechanics with lighter loads, whilst experienced lifters may increase across sets to a heavy but sub-maximal complex for the day.


7 Rounds for time 12 min cap:

3 Power snatches 61/43kg

5 Overhead squats

7 Bar-facing burpees


Rx+: 70/47kg

Active: 52/35kg

Lifestyle: 30/20kg, 3 PSN, 4 OHS, 5 BFB


The workout should see barbell weights that approximate 50% 1RM limiting movement (either power snatch or overhead squat) and burpee reps that allow constant movement, certainly inside :40 even when fatigued. It might be a good idea today to have a way of marking off rounds as numbers could get confusing a few rounds in!