
6 Sets for load:

1 Snatch balance

+ 2 Overhead squats


*Perform a new set every 1:30

*Aim to finish heavier than 23/11

Today’s lifting should see lifters aiming heavier than 23/11.


12 min AMRAP:

3 Hang squat snatches 61/43kg

6 Burpee box jump-overs 24/20”

9 Chest-to-bar pull-ups


Rx+: 70/47kg

Active: 52/35kg, chin-over bar pull-ups

Lifestyle: 30/20kg (hang power snatch + overhead squat), 16/12”, ring rows


The workout should see unbroken hang snatches across all rounds, smooth burpee box jump-overs with conservative box heights and C2B options that can be perform in 1-2 sets across many rounds, leaving the limiting factor today to cardio-respiratory endurance!

Can anyone crack 12 rounds!?