Skill Stamina

Handstand push-ups

Every 1:30 x 6 Sets: 5-15 Handstand push-ups


*Rx+ = strict HSPU

*Aim to exceed set size compared to 1/11/23


Today’s handstand push-up stamina work should see athletes ideally using the same option from early November, now aiming to increase set size and therefore stamina. If skills have recently been acquired, absolutely employ them today!


5 Rounds for time 13 min cap:

8 Dual DB clean-and-jerks 2×22.5/15kg

16 Toes-to-bar



Active: 2×15/10kg, hanging leg raises

Lifestyle: 2×12.5/7.5kg, hanging knee raises


The workout should see weights that allow unbroken clean-and-jerks across multiple rounds and toes-to-bar in 1-2 sets across multiple rounds. This one is therefore designed to be fast and grip-intensive!