
Ring Muscle Up Skills


Today’s gymnastics skill work should see athletes without muscle-ups working through progressions, achieving virtuosity before moving on. Advanced athletes may perform the advanced option during this time


5 x 2:30-minute rounds for reps:

200m Run

Max complexes in remaining time^

*Rest 1:15 between rounds


^1 Complex = 3 Toes-to-rings + 2 Ring muscle-ups + 1 Ring dip


Active: 3 Toes-to-rings + 2 Jumping ring muscle-ups + 1 Ring dip

Lifestyle: 400m Erg Bike

3 Hanging leg raises (on rig) + 2 Low-ring feet-assisted muscle-ups + 1 Jumping ring dip


The workout should see runs inside 1:15 across rounds and challenging options on the rings! Coordination and accuracy to accompany cardio-fitness is the name of the game today! Note that a complex does not need to be unbroken to count