

Ring Dip Skills


Learn the skills, practice the skills, do the skills.



Hero WOD “JT”

21-15-9 Reps for time 15 min cap:

Handstand push-ups

Ring dips



Rx+: Strict JT: Strict handstand push-ups; strict ring dips; push-ups

Active: 15-12-9 Reps

Lifestyle: 15-12-9 Reps: Box HSPU, banded ring dips, push-up negatives + worm concentrics


Today’s classic Hero WOD “JT” is an assault on, and exceptional test of pressing endurance. Athletes within a sniff of completing this work as prescribed should do so today, ensuring that sets of 5+ on all options when fresh are possible. If athletes are unable to perform 5+ reps when fresh, scaling options should be adhered to today.