200m row/run/ride/erg,

calf pumps, Shoulder & Glute activations (band), Air squats w. twist, Cossack squats w ATW’s.

Burgener warm up, with:

·  Front squats

·  Push Jerks


Movement Development


6 Minute EMOM


·  1st min: Side Plank & T-Rotations

·  2nd min:  6 Empty Barbell Good mornings


Focusing on:


·  Engaging the core

·  Stretching legs/hamstrings





E2MOM X 10 Rounds


·   3 Deadlifts

·   3 Power Cleans

·   3 Front Squats

·   3 Push Jerks



Wanting to build:

·   Unbroken complex

·   Challenge yourself