200m row/run/ride/erg,

calf pumps, air squats w. twist, Shoulder & Glute activations (band), push up complex

scap pull ups, lat pull backs, hollows and arches,


bring sally up deadlifts


Strength Development



3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3


@ 2 minutes/set 50% 1RM



·  Good back and feet position

·     Strong shoulder and leg drive




3 Rounds For Time:


18 Minute CAP


·    400-meter Run

·    15 Push-ups

·    20 Deadlifts (RX 70/45 Kg)

·    10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups


If finished early, calories on machine or go for a run


Aim for:

·    Your chest to hit the bar no matter what where you are at in your pull up development – don’t wait to “get” your pull ups before you get your chest to the bar.

·    Drive each movement