Saturday 01/12/18

“D-Day Partner WOD”
Courtesy Wodwell

Complete each phase (in any order)
Each pair will have a kettlebell that must be held off the ground at all times. (24/16kg)

Phase 1: “Overlord”
1944m row

Phase 2: “Airborne Drop”
60 pull-ups
300m run

Phase 3: “Omaha Beach”
6 – 50m alternating sled drags
300m run

Phase 4: “Utah Beach”
60 weighted push-ups (10/5kg vests)
300m run

Phase 5: “Gold Beach”
60 kettlebell swings
300m run

Phase 6: “Sword Beach”
60 thrusters (20/15kg)
300m run

Phase 7: “Juno Beach”
60 Man-on-fire burpees
300m run