
Handstand Push-up Skills


Today’s gymnastics skill work should see all athletes progressing through the teaching elements, striving for virtuosity and stopping and repeating where necessary to do so.



6 Rounds for time 17 min cap:

6 Deficit handstand push-ups 6/4”

18/14 Calorie Echo bike

6 Hang power snatches 52/35kg

Rx+: 61/43kg, 8/6” parallette HSPU

Active: 2/1” deficit, 14/10 Calories, 43/30kg

Lifestyle: Box pike HSPU, 10/8 Calories, 35/25kg


The workout should see a very challenging deficit HSPU option that sees extra range-of-motion added to all athletes pressing options, including box pike HSPU on DB’s or plates. With chosen options, athletes should be able to squeeze out 3-6 reps. Echo bike calories should be possible inside 1 minute when fresh, hang power snatches should be challenging, yet allow an unbroken set of 6