WOD – Tuesday 27 April 2010

37 reps of 37 things – but you only get to lucky-dip ten of them.

Burpees, pullups, pushups, squats, deadlifts, box jumps, wall ball, double unders, GHD situps, T2B, dips, ring dips, abmat situps, thrusters, SDHP, C&J, snatch, KB swing, 100’s of rowing, plank, OH walking lunge, broad jumps, shuttle runs, hang power clean, muscle-ups, overhead squats, pistols, HSPU, back squat, front squat, press, back extension, tyre flips, 20m bear crawl, inverted burpees, romanian get-up, squat snatch. Phew! That was a WOD just typing it.