
For load:

5×3 Overhead squats

*Perform a new set every 2:00


Today’s overhead squats should see inexperienced lifters refining the movement and keeping weights light where advanced lifters may increase from approximately 40% 1RM towards a heavy and if feeling good.



For time, 15 Min Cap:

27-21-15-9 Calorie Echo bike

9-7-5-3 Squat snatches 61/43kg

Rx+: 70/47kg

Active: 43/30kg

Lifestyle: 30/20kg 18-15-12-9 Calories, Power snatch + overhead squat


The workout should see males able to complete 27 calories inside 1.5 minutes and females inside 2 minutes, else a reduced calorie rep scheme is required. The squat snatches should see a moderate load that requires considerable effort to lift.