
T2B Skills 15 Mins:


15 Min EMOM of coach T2B skill development.

3-5 Reps:

– Strict hanging knee raises

– Kip swings (close of shoulder)

– Kipping hanging knee raises

– Strict hanging leg raises

– Kipping hanging leg raises

– Strict toes-to-bar (set range-of-motion)

– Kipping toes-to-bar (or to set ROM)





14 Min AMRAP:

60 GHD/Sit-ups

60 Sumo deadlift high-pulls 24/16kg

60 Push presses 43/30kg

Max toes-to-bar in remaining time


Rx+: 80 GHDSU & 80 SDLHP

Active: 30 GHDSU + 30 Ab-mat sit-ups, 16/12kg, 35/25kg, Max hanging leg raises

Lifestyle: 40 Ab-mat sit-ups, 40 SDLHP 12/8kg, 40 PP 20/15kg, max hanging knee raises.

The workout should see options that allow GHD’s in one continuous set, sumo deadlift high-pulls and push presses in sets of 20+ and a challenging toes-to-bar option that allows consistent sets of 1-3 reps at a time, even under fatigue.