WOD – Wednesday 1 April 2015

“The Furious” 60/40
For time: (35 minute time limit)
100x Deadlift
90x Back squats
80x Power cleans
70x Jerks
60x Sumo deadlift high pull
50x Front squat
40x Hang power cleans
30x Thrusters
20x Power snatch
10x Overhead squat
Thankyou to CrossFit Mississauga!

* Decide on a weight to rack up straight away that you can complete in 35 minutes.
* Warm up is 3 reps of each movement – you have 10 minutes – the clock for GO time will start on 10:00.

The Bar-Free Option is as follows:
100 Squats
90 Situps
80 Box Jumps 20″/16″
70 Kettlebell Swings 20/12
60 Lunge Walk Steps (30 each leg)
50 Burpees
40 Wall Ball
30 Pushups
20 Pullups
10 Ring Dips
* 35 minute cutoff
* As soon as finished a station put any equipment away