WOD – Friday 7 March 2014

A burpee free reminder that if you arrive early for your session PLEASE WAIT behind the yellow line! PLEASE do NOT walk through the box to fill up a water bottle, PLEASE do NOT start using mobility tools on the main floor space, PLEASE do NOT walk over to the whiteboard to see what the warm up or WOD is (you are briefed at the start of every session), PLEASE do NOT practice pull-ups or other skills on the main floor. PLEASE WAIT to be called for your session brief and respect those that are still training. The 200 BURPEE penalty will be served no exceptions!

14.2 is released today at 11:00 and will be offered to Open competitors to complete from the 1:30pm session. Good luck everyone!


For time:

25 Burpees
Run 400m *
25 Weighted Pullups **
Run 400m *
25 Handstand push-ups
Run 400m *
25 Chest-to-bar pull-ups **
Run 400m *
25 Burpees

* Men carry a 10kg slam ball, women carry a 6kg slam ball
** Scaling option includes using a band, if using weight preference is to wear a vest

Extra work option:
1. Burpees are done as burpee-box-jumps
2. Weighted pull-ups are done strict
3. HSPU are done to 20kg plate deficit
4. Chest-To-Bar pull-ups are done strict