Dynamic (high knees, butt kicks, grapevines)

Scorpions & bird dogs

Air squats with twists & rocks

Calf pumps, penguin jumps

Shoulder activations (band)

Fractional plate shoulder warm-up and push up complex

Scap pull ups & lat pull backs into straight leg raises and toes to bar


10 Minute EMOM

Ring Rows/Rollouts


·     1st Min: Ring Rows/Bar Rows

·     2nd Min: Rollouts


Looking for:

·    Active shoulders

·    Braced core




0n the 4 Min x 5 Rounds


·   200-meter run/row/ski erg

·   50 double-unders

·   12 Toes-to-Bar OR Straight leg raises



Aim for:

·   Good consistent time with the runs

·   Breathe through the double-unders

·   Land on the balls of feet

·   High jump/toes pointed

·   Building rhythm with the movements