Wrist wraps/tape

Knee sleeves


Running Shoes (optional)



Strength Development


10-minute EMOM


·      1st min: Tuck-to-Hollow

·      2nd min: Inverted Barbell Rows

·      3rd min: Thoracic Rotations with DB



·  Engaged Core, scap/lats

·  Shoulder and back positioning



20-minute CAP


21 – 15 – 9

·    Toes-to-Bar OR Leg Raises

·    Box Jumps (RX 24”/20”)


15 – 12 – 9 

·    Pull-ups

·    Box Jumps (RX 24”/20”)


12 – 9 – 6

·    Chest-to-Bars Or Jumping C-2-B

·    Box Jumps (RX 24”/20”)


9 – 6 – 3

·    Bar Muscle-Ups OR Jumping Bar MU

·    Box Jumps (RX 24”/20”)


Aiming to build:

·  Consistent sets

·  Good strong lockout and lunging technique.

·  Fast recovery between movements