200m row/run/ride/erg,

calf pumps,


Shoulder & Glute activations (band),


Air squats w. twist,

Cossack squats w ATW

Wall facing squats



Strength Development

Push Jerks


5 sets of 5


@ 3 minutes/set


Focusing on:


·    Explosive dip & drive

·    Fast under the bar

·    Strong re-set for each Jerk


WOD #1


7 Minute EMOM


·   7 Heavy Kettlebell Swings


Rest 2 Minutes


WOD #2


7 Minute EMOM


·   10-15 Wallballs



·     Braced core – try not to fold forward in your wall ball squat


Aim for:

·   Strong leg/hip drive

·   Strong active shoulders