Dynamic (high knees, butt kicks, grapevines,), Scorpions & bird dogs, calf pumps,

Shoulder activations (band)

air squats with thoracic twists and forward arm-raises


HS holds, pulses, lowers, Pus


Burgener warm up (barbell)

Zombie squats


Pistol warm-up



Strength Development

Front Squats


4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4

@ 2 minutes/set


Aiming for:

· Engaged lats/shoulders

· Strong braced core

· Strong leg drive




20 Minute AMRAP


·   5 Handstand Push-ups

·   10 pistols (Alt Legs)

·   5 Power Cleans (RX 60/40 Kg)

·   10 Burpees over-the-bar


Aim for:

·   Consistent set capacity

·   Strong active shoulders for the HSPUs

·   Strong pulls for the cleans


Want a challenge?

Do your HSPUs facing the wall😉