Dynamic (high knees, butt kicks, grapevines), Scorpions & bird dogs, Air squats with twists & rocks, Shoulder activations (band), Mountain climber & push up complexes

Wallwalk – pike, step, hold …

Pistol – feet together squats, heel dips and leg sweeps




10 Min EMOM Drills


·     1st Min: Barbell Rollouts

·     2nd Min: Ring Dips


Looking for:

·     Maintain active shoulders

·     Strong braced core

·     Tucking your elbows in close to your body




12 Rounds For Time:


20 Minute CAP


·   1 Wall-walk

·   2 Pull-ups

·   3 Burpees

·   4 Push-ups

·   5 Air Squats

·   6 Pistols (Total)


Aim for:

·   Consistent pace for each round

·   Strong active shoulders

·   Building pistol technique