Jogging w. ground touches

Calf pumps, boots strappers, M/climbers and Air squats w. twists & rocks

Lunge step – wall circles

Shoulder activations

Running man arms

Burgener warm-up


Strength Development:



5 Sets of 5

@ 2 minutes



· Good back position

· Braced core/engaged lats.

· Drive with legs


Crossfit.com WOD


(Slightly modified)


5 Thrusters Every Minute


·    5 minutes (35/25 Kg)

·    Rest 30 seconds

·    5 minutes (45/30 Kg)

·    Rest 30 seconds

·    5 minutes (55/35 Kg)

·    Rest 30 seconds

·    5 minutes (65/40 Kg)




·    Pick weights that are appropriate

·    Consistent cycling

·    Can be done as clusters

·    Challenge yourself