200m row/run/ride/erg

Calf pumps

Air squats and squat rocks

Shoulder activations (bands)

5x push up Compl.

DB deadlifts, shrugs, high elbows & snatches (light to heavy)



Skill Development:

Movement Warmup


·     Wall-balls

·     Dumb-bell Snatches

·     Sandbag Squat cleans

·     Double-unders



·   Build to a working weight





“It’s 300”


For Time:


36-minute CAP


·   25 Single Arm Dumb-bell Snatches (RX 221/2/15 kg)

·   50 wall-balls (RX 9/6 Kg)

·   50 Push-ups

·   50 Double-unders

·   50 Sit-ups OR GHD’s

·   50 Sandbag Squat Cleans

·   25 Single Arm DB Snatches



·   Pace for consistent sets