

Strength Development:

Front/Back Squats

Progress Check


5 sets @ every 2 minutes


·    1st min: 3 front squats

·    2nd min: 5 Back squats


·   Add weight across each set.

·   Last set should be heavy




2 @ 10 minute EMOMs:

Choose a challenging weight the you can hold across for the entire emom


EMOM #1:


·    5 Deadlift (RX 100/70 kg)

·    5 Handstand push-ups


Rest 2 minute


EMOM #2:


·    1 Curtis-P Complex (RX 60/40kg)

·    5 Toes-to-bar OR Knee-raises



Curtis-P Complex:

·    1 Power clean

·    1 front racked lunge step each leg

·    1 shoulder-to-overhead


Start at any one